Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas, To All My Students

So the semester is finally over.

It's Christmas Eve and the work is mostly done. Bring it on.

I've been getting a lot of heartfelt e-mails in the past couple of days, and really since the end of the semester, letting me know that you enjoyed the course and that it meant something to you, regardless of the grade you got. Please know that I truly appreciate it and that I wish there were words to describe the feeling I get when I receive such a note from a student. It makes me feel that I'm doing something good, that I'm connecting with people, and helping make a difference in the lives of people who will themselves make a great difference in the world some day. Sure, it's only literature, but for those of you who "get" it, it's about more than that. It's about life itself, about getting the most out of it by thinking pro-actively about our lives, about the lives of others, about the world around us and the human condition. Thought can change lives and make the world a better place. I really believe that. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to do what I do and insist on helping people articulate their own thoughts more precisely, for the greatest impact--to give you the tools, or help sharpen those tools, to best enable you to make the most of your life.

Lofty thoughts, but it's the only goal I can allow myself to have as a teacher.

It's going to be a good Christmas, full of family, food, music, and friends--everything that the season calls for. It's not politically correct to say so, but I do love Christmas. It's got little to do with the religious aspect of it, but very much to do with a spiritual aspect, if you will. It's a time when the world slows down a little, when people try to be a bit kinder to each other, to make sure those who are in need have something to call their own. People become more conscious of their actions, thoughts, and words this time of year--aware of how their words have an impact on others and the world around them. That can only be good.

Sure, it can also be a time for having fun, whatever that means for you. It means that for me too, in fact. It means many things, as it does for most people.

Now I'm rambling.

I really just wanted to say thank you to all of you who still read this blog, particularly those who have been my students over the past year. Believe it or not, regardless of whether the impact was good or bad, each of you has had an effect on me and changed my life in some small way.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Have a great Christmas, everyone. I'll see many of you in January.

Thank you for a great year.


Monday, December 7, 2009

Change in Office Hours

Change is inevitable.

And so, I've had to re-schedule my office hours to Thursday, 10:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. So if you're hoping to see me about something related to the final exam or whatever, that's where I'll be and when I'll be there.

I'll have more to say about final exam preparations as the day draws closer. So keep checking this space.