Sunday, December 5, 2010

Have Your Say on English 1080

Hi, Everyone.

First of all, the usual info: The final exam will be held in the Phys. Ed. gymnasium at 9 a.m. on Wedesnday, December 8. Please be there, on time. Don't sleep in--if you have a history of sleeping in, make sure somebody wakes you up on time. If you happen to be running late, either a little or a lot, and you know the exam is still on, come to the gymnasium anyway. My rows of desks are on the right hand side of the gym, about 16 rows from the front. You'll find me just beyond the aisle at the centre.

You won't be allowed to bring your personal items (purse, napsack, pet gerbil, or your copy of Twilight: Eclipse) to your desk. And please don't bring coffee or any beverage that isn't water.

Also, please take a couple of minutes and voice your feelings on English 1080--I've pasted a poll at the top right corner of this page. Just click on it and you'll find a few easy questions. I appreciate your help and future students will thank you as well...sort of.

That's all for now.