Friday, February 2, 2007

Rock the Vote!

I'm in between grading essays now, thankfully, and can take a deep breath. Hopefully, I'll have a chance now to write more on this blog for the next couple of weeks and make it as useful and as interesting as possible. It's tough finding the time, but it seems worth it.

On that note, you'll notice on the top right of the page that I've posted a survey button that says "Vote now" or something like that. This will be a regular feature that I'll be changing every so often. My first two questions have to do with this blog: Is this blog helpful to you? and What else would you like to see here? I'll keep it going for a week or so and start making changes accordingly. But I'm really interested in hearing from you.

It's been madness around my office lately, and, starting Monday, it looks to be even busier. If you get there and there's a line-up, let me know you're there. If you have an appointment you get priority over someone who doesn't, but I plan to see everyone. I'll be in my office most of Monday, except when I'm teaching at 10 and at noon, so even without an appontment, especially in the afternoon, drop by if you have a question. A lot of people are e-mailing too, and that's a really good way to communicate. Nothing beats face-to-face though.

That's all I have to say for now. It's Friday evening, time to kick back and relax a bit.

I'll be blogging about fiction writing a bit this weekend now that I can turn my thoughts to it. I've got a short story I'm working on and want to finish in the next ten days, so I'll definitely be in the mood to talk about the process for that, maybe even the whole mystifying publication process, at least as much as I know about it.

Stay tuned!

By the way, for those students who show up to classes on Fridays (especially) and snowy Mondays, blah-blah Wednesdays, with their game face on, and are only too happy to talk about literature, culture, philosophy, and life in general, thank you! I understand and appreciate the effort it takes sometimes just to be present, literally, figuratively, and in all ways. The life well lived is the hardest life to live. And a well-lived life is one in which you are present most of the time. I mean REALLY present. Not just there, but prepared to engage.



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